I studied in ACS (Barker Road).

Unlike most people, I didn’t find God through Church. Instead, it was purely my time in Anglo Chinese School (ACS), through daily devotions and weekly chapels, that first helped me understand the Christian faith and later accept it.

After I began to encounter Jesus in my daily life so phenomenally, I wanted others to discover Jesus in the same way too. So I wrote an email to my principal and Christian Ministry staff about my starting a worship event for students to come together and pray for God to move greatly. My principal proved extremely supportive of such an idea.

From that point, things began to fall into place and it was increasingly apparent that God’s hand was orchestrating all of it.

God often orchestrates and uses individuals who don’t even know each other to start something incredible for His glory.

However, the actual event turned out differently from what I had expected. From a prayer event, it evolved into REVIVEย โ€“ an event calling for revival similar to the one that took place on our school grounds back in the 1970s.

In REVIVE’S second year, attendance more than doubled and we reached people all of ages, from different backgrounds, different schools. And after REVIVE that year, my principal told the team that there was an attendee from Bedok South Secondary who later went to a Church near his school, asking for assistance in starting a prayer group in his school.

So REVIVE is not just a one-night event where Christians gather to pray and worship God. It’s a call to action for all Christians, that wherever they are, they would “go into all the world and preach the gospel.”

Coming from a school founded by missionaries, I know that God often orchestrates and uses individuals who don’t even know each other to start something incredible for His glory. In that same way, I feel God moving us to receive the same vision and come together.

To bring light into darkness as a city on a hill (Matthew 5:14) โ€“ that’s what REVIVE is about.ย After all, my principal once shared during assembly that our school sits on a hill. So we should all be that light in the world, one that cannot be hidden. That was a message which never left me.

What would the world look like if all Christians really went out into the world to bring light into darkness and the message of Jesus to all?

This Friday night (29 June), come down to REVIVE 2018 for an extended time of praise, worship and prayer. God is waiting for you. Find out more in the details below.