On the night of the River Valley High School tragedy, an online prayer rally was held for the nation and generation. During the meeting, Isaac Ong from the impossible413 team spoke about spiritual authority and the power of prayer. We sat down with him for a few more reflections on the topic, as well as his thoughts on what else we can do.
When good or bad things happen in this land, they are not just mere news to us as Christians.
We have been given the privilege to pray to God.
To watch over the land. To weep. To cry. To intercede. To stand in the gap.
To pray is not just to pray for or over, but also to pray with. To lend to other people our ears and our tears.
This is what it means to have spiritual authority over this land.
Our faith is not insular. Our faith is not just between us and God. Whatever happens here should matter to us.
When we pray for this land, we’re not just praying for revival. We’re praying for healing, restoration, hope and repentance.
We have a responsibility to bring our land into our prayer closets and prayer rooms.
We do it for the people who don’t have a voice in court, the people who don’t have relationship with Him, the people who are hurting and in pain.
Besides prayer, we need to look out for people. We can also ask the Lord to give us insight as to the condition of our people and nation.
After all, one of the biggest things that people are talking about from this incident is mental health and mental wellness.
People are wondering, what was the health of this young man who committed this act like?
Moving on from here, we also need to ask ourselves what is this incident reminding, teaching and asking us to be more alert and aware about?
How can we love and care for people? Mental health and wellness are not just the responsibilities of counsellors and hotlines. Those are solutions to a current problem.
Further upstream, what are things that we can do preemptively?
Love people. Look out for people. Be kinder in our speech.
What kind of cultures do we create in our school? In our family? In our churches?
What kind of places do we create in our classrooms? What kind of conversations do we have?
Do we look out for people? Do we look out for those who seem stressed? Do we look out for the ones who are oddballs? Do we look out for people who behave in a strange manner?
We need to ask ourselves how we can change the narrative and impact the culture through our speech and conversations.
How about conversations on social media? Do we add noise and just add to the fire? Do we add to the madness?
Do we make Singapore a place that is just so angry all the time? So sad all the time, so depressed all the time?
How are we as Christians using our tongue? There is the power of life and death in it.
We need to ask ourselves how we can change the narrative and impact the culture through our speech and conversations.
So what lies ahead on this road beyond prayer?
We must spend the years being very intentional in building a city that is liveable for all.
We must help to create a society in which all people can encounter love, joy, peace and hope.
When it comes to mental health and wellness, how can we help to build a city in which people don’t have a spirit of fear?
We want to see our city filled with love, power and sound minds.
Featured image source www.instagram.com/impossible413
Burdened for Singapore and our young people? Join the impossible413 community as they FAST AND PRAY from July 23 to July 30 (this Friday) in light of recent events. Prayer pointers will be released daily on their Instagram page where you can also chat more with them over DM.
LoveSingapore’s annual 40-day prayer season is also ongoing until August 9. Here are more details on the devotional.
If you’re feeling troubled and would like to chat with someone, help is also available at these centres:
- Samaritans of Singapore (SOS): 1800-221-4444 (24-hour) | pat@sos.org.sg| m.me/SamaritansofSingapore
- Institute of Mental Health: 6389-2222 (24-hour)
- National Care Hotline: 1800-202-6868
- Singapore Association for Mental Health: 1800-283-7019
- Care Corner Counselling Centre (English and Mandarin): 6353 1180
- TOUCHline (Counselling): 1800-377-2252
- Fei Yue’s Online Counselling Service: ec2.sg
- Tinkle Friend by Singapore Children’s Society: 1800-274-4788 | tinklefriend.sg (online chat)
- Silver Ribbon Singapore: 6385-3714
- Take a moment to reflect on all the troubling events that have happened this month.
- Begin to lift these issues up to God in prayer. Intercede for our nation and younger generation.
- Look at your skillsets and gifts. What is one specific thing you can do to play your part in creating a city filled with love, power and sound minds?