I accepted Christ last year on May 11, 2019, which makes me a spiritual “baby” if you think about it. But through these months, I have experienced God in many areas of my life.
I used to always have suicidal thoughts and was very sensitive to what others thought about me, to the point of paranoia. I was insecure about how I looked, constantly seeking after romantic relationships because I thought they would make me feel complete and better about myself.
Until one day, I was casually talking to one of my school seniors when she invited me to her cell group gathering. I knew it was a church gathering, but didn’t think much of it. In fact, the more I attended their meetings, the more I realised how different everyone was from the friends I had in school.
After months of being part of their welcoming community, I actually noticed changes in myself. Because they accepted me for who I am, I grew in confidence and was socialising better with others.
For a long time, I could not attend their church services because I had tuition on the weekends. On the first service I ever attended – the week there was a break from tuition – I gave my life to Jesus. It was the best decision I have ever made.
Knowing God has really changed the way I see myself and the value of my life. I understand that God sent His one and only Son to die on the Cross for us although we are sinful and imperfect, but I took longer to realise I am beautiful in His eyes.
I have learnt to see difficult times as God secretly working in our lives.
I have experienced a happiness deeper than I ever felt, but my life still has its tough and dry seasons. School and family have problems of their own. For a while, my parents were not used to the church activities I am now involved in, but after persevering in prayer, their hearts softened and they even allowed me to change my tuition timings so that I could attend service.
Being in my final year of secondary school, I have been quite stressed about the upcoming O-Levels. I have always worried about disappointing my parents with my results, but God has been reassuring me that He is with me and that my grades are in His hands.
I do wonder why we have to go through so much, but I am learning that trials can grow and mature us spiritually if we focus on God for strength. I have learnt to see difficult times as God secretly working in our lives.
I wonder where I would be if I had not spoken to that senior of mine that day. Would I even still be alive? My life was so full of darkness and sorrow.
This relationship I now have with God has changed everything. He is not just my Father, but a friend who will never change nor leave me. The one I can share my deepest secrets with, and who will be there through my happiest and saddest moments.
I may be the first Christian in my family, but with Him beside me, I know my family’s lives will be soon saved by His grace too.
This was a submission to our “Write your 2020 story” giveaway. As the new decade dawns, we’re looking for stories that reflect on your journey with God in the years past and dream ahead with Him for the future.
Stories must include:
1) Where did God take you in the last decade?
2) How will you pledge to follow Him into the next?
Send your 2020 story to hello@thir.st and stand to win an exclusive set of metal straws. Giveaway ends on January 31, 2020.
- Do you remember the year you first accepted Christ? What was it like?
- Why did you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
- What were the changes you observed in yourself and the rest of your life?
- How can we encourage someone else on their journey into the Kingdom of God?