
Your search for "mental health" yielded 335 results.

Life & Death

Living with my brotherā€™s suicide: Remembering Godā€™s goodness and mercy

I was finishing up my work day when my phone rang. The voice on the other end was distraught. ā€œYour brother is gone.ā€ For some reason, these words from my mum didnā€™t quite register. I would...

Mental Health

Truer Words for the troubled mind

We live in a terribly noisy world. Most days, we wake up only to face a bombardment of notifications ā€“ emails, social media posts, text messages… the works. It seems as if there is always...

Surveys & Reports

Social media and suicides: Are we hearing the silent cries for help?

ā€œI used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. Itā€™s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people that make you feel all alone.ā€ – Robin WilliamsĀ  The late...

Surveys & Reports

Can a stranger save someone from suicide? Conversations on strengthening communities

ā€œI want to offer an insiderā€™s view of what it is like to be suicidal. To try to help you understand what it is like and how does a person get to that place.ā€ Speaking at theĀ Samaritans of...

Mental Health

What do I say to someone with suicidal thoughts?

When coming into contact with someone at risk, the last thing youā€™d want is for that person to feel like weā€™re pushing them away. But what if, unknowingly, our words or actions end up making a...

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: Leaving law to answer a different call

During my time in university and first years of work as a criminal lawyer, I discovered that I really enjoyed the nature of the work. Itā€™s tough for some to believe, but I genuinely loved my legal...

Mental Health

Struggling with depression since seminary, I’ve been sidelined so many times

On September 10, the world celebrated World Suicide Prevention Day.Ā Around the same time last year, the world was hit with the news of a pastor who took his own life. This year, it happened again...

Mental Health

There are more like Jarrid: Why I’m breaking the silence at 30

In the evening glow of September 9, 2019, Julianne Wilson captured her husband, Jarrid, tossing their younger son in the air ā€“ to much exhilaration and giggles ā€“ as they waited for their elder...

Mental Health

After years of eating disorders, I struggled to conceive my first child

I didn’t struggle with my body through most of my younger years. As a badminton player who represented my school, I was very muscular, especially in my lower limbs, from the sheer amount of...