
Your search for "mental health" yielded 335 results.

Mental Health

A letter to you, the student overwhelmed by life

I found out about you because someone forwarded to me the news about your “unnatural death”. The time the police were called was listed as 6.50am on Monday, June 8. I wondered about that. I...


Introvert: I’m still affected by social distancing

When I first heard the phrase “social-distancing”, it didn’t sound too uphill a task. Staying out of crowded places, standing 2 metres from another person and not gathering in groups – that...


To you, the one #StayingHome with a dysfunctional family

Dear you, You hide away in your own corner of your house, scrolling through your social media feeds. Everyone seems to be having the most picture-perfect #CircuitBreaker. You hear of stories of...


#StayHome and stay sane

“Super sian sia!” As much as I like staying at home, that has become the cry of my heart after nearly a month of not having left my home. And with the extension of circuit breaker measures, I’m...


One man’s journey from burnout to breakthrough

In 2017, I made the difficult decision to leave a job I loved, to deal with my burnout and take care of my mental health. I was trained as a social worker and had worked with various charities for...


NCCS letter to the Church: A time of adversity, a time of opportunity

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We live in unprecedented times. COVID-19 is now a global pandemic, and its effects are...

Real Life, Real People

Putting real faces on Christianity: 4 young adults start safe space on Instagram

“I’ve always thought Christians were very prim and proper, and their lives were smooth sailing,” began Shermaine Law, a 22-year-old marketing student at Singapore University of...

Movies & TV

Bieber grows up: Highlights from Justin’s YouTube docuseries, Seasons

“When the focus and goal is about yourself, you kind of tend to lose your purpose in that. I think the older that I get the more I realise that I’m not utilising my gift for the right...

Mental Health

Living with survivor’s guilt and other lessons from my friends’ suicides

I was 17 that year. One night, my mum came rushing into my room and said my art teacher needed to speak with me urgently on the phone. The next words I heard on the phone were not what I expected at...