
Your search for "mental health" yielded 335 results.

Real Life, Real People

Once broken and battling depression, she discovered new meaning to life

“As a teenager, I wasn’t sure how to find my identity as a person,” confessed Jolyn Kari Ng. “At that time, it was probably through my friends, how popular I was in school and how attractive...

Mental Health

“I didn’t know how to grieve”: The girl who found purpose in her pain

“Dear Diary, It has been 3 weeks and I have been feeling down again. I really don’t think I’m going to come out of this anytime soon. Last week, I saw a rainbow for the first time… and then a...


What next after prayer? Isaac Ong on taking ownership as young people in Singapore

On the night of the River Valley High School tragedy, an online prayer rally was held for the nation and generation. During the meeting, Isaac Ong from the impossible413 team spoke about spiritual...


A torrid year, a troubled generation

I don’t know if you’ve received a little WhatsApp text that’s been going around.  This one’s about a timeline that lays out some notable events the younger generation have...

Mental Health

A plea to news editors: Don’t cover suicide like any other news story

There is an unwritten rule that the media in Singapore, apart from the tabloid press, has observed for many years: Not to report on suicides and suicide attempts apart from annual figures or...

Mental Health

How to deal with trauma after a life-threatening event

In 2017, I was blessed with the opportunity to go to London alone for five months on a university exchange programme. It was truly a memorable period of time, being able to learn about a new culture,...

Mental Health

Worrying suicide trends, more people seeking help: SOS

COVID-19 has made for unprecedented levels of distress in society, which have resulted in suicide trends that are deeply concerning. Just today, it was also reported that the 16-year-old River Valley...

Mental Health

How to beat that languishing feeling

When 2020 ticked over into 2021, we were hopeful that the new year would be a better one. And for awhile, it did look promising – we were back to dining in, we could physically attend church again...


Overwhelmed with worry, I wrote a song called “Peace”

When I made a crazy decision of faith to quit my stable corporate marketing job and go into freelance music full-time, I questioned myself time and time again. With already 30 years of life...