There is always a “why” in every human being that drives and motivates them to do the things they love to do. So if you can identify the “why” in your prayer life, you will find joy and purpose in the place of prayer.

Many assume the goal of praying is to see answered prayer. But answered prayer is not the end of it. Instead it is a means to revelation – answered prayer reveals God’s nature. It shows us who He is, after all.

When we pray for the sick, and the sick receive healing, the answered prayer reveals God as Healer. When we pray for God to provide for the lack in our lives, and He responds us by releasing provision, that answered prayer reveals God as Provider.

When we make prayer meetings a place where everything revolves around our terms and agendas instead of His – we miss the point.

We often only pray when we’re in need, which isn’t wrong in itself, but isn’t sustainable.

When we come to God based on our terms and needs, these terms and needs become primary, and God becomes secondary. And if God doesn’t meet us based on our terms and conditions, we eventually find ourselves disappointed by God. Offended, we look to other sources to meet that need based on our terms.

So if the goal of prayer is answered prayer, prayer will never be sustainable. But if the goal of prayer is to know the One who we are talking to, prayer becomes a constant pursuit because the knowledge of God is inexhaustible. The fruit of the knowledge of God is an inner assurance that God is, and He is able regardless of the circumstances.

There were times when pastors and leaders would experience the stirring of God to call the Church to an extended time of prayer because they believed revival was coming and it would happen in a particular manner.

For the first few days, people would come with expectation and energy. After a few weeks, the numbers would dwindle and the energy level would begin to fall. Eventually, the pastors would be caught up with other stuff, and someone would be assigned to lead the prayer meeting, which would end up becoming the prayer ministry in the Church for those who are gifted in praying (intercessors) and are called to this ministry.

When we make prayer meetings a place where everything revolves around our terms and agendas instead of His – we miss the point. When we understand the magnitude of the price Jesus paid on the cross and why He did it, our prayer meetings will no longer be another “ministry” for only a few “gifted intercessors.”

Prayer is not an entitlement, but a privilege.

Jesus paid a high price on the cross to rend the veil that separated God and Man so that what was once the privilege of one man – the High Priest – could now be given to all Man (Revelations 5: A kingdom of priests). Prayer is not an entitlement, but a privilege. We did nothing to earn it, but it was given to us by the Blood of the Lamb.

Jesus bled so we could commune with God and know Him through prayer (John 17:3). The cross of Jesus that hung between Heaven and Earth brought reconciliation between God and Man. We no longer have to know God from afar but can know Him intimately as our Father because of His Son.

Jesus said, “My house is a house of prayer.” Prayer is the only way His Family relates to each other, and now He is inviting all of us to be a part of that Family who will relate to one another through prayer. What a glorious privilege we have as a follower of Jesus today.

I hope this paradigm of prayer will produce an anchor in your heart to come before Him regardless of when and how He will answer your prayer. Remember: Prayer is not an entitlement for a few, but a privilege for all. Prayer and intercession is God’s invitation to intimacy.

Make this your goal today: To know the One you are talking to.

This article was first published on Jason’s blog, and is republished with permission.