
Your search for "full time under 30" yielded 939 results.

Mental Health

2020, a time to begin again

Monday, December 30, 2019. The 9pm overcast night sky is cool, hinting the possibility of showers in the evening ahead. There is a somberness in the air around me. Church Street’s pavements are...


Loving with our time: Give of yourself this holiday season

Perhaps the question we want to ask as Christmas time rolls around isn’t quite so much “what do I what to receive?” but “how can I give?” And rather than simply digging...


The late Jim Chew on how he discovered his call to full-time missions

Jim Chew was called home to the Lord on Thursday, October 24, 2019. He was 81. The former national director of The Navigators Singapore last served in The Navigators of New Zealand as Asia-Pacific...

Mental Health

There are more like Jarrid: Why I’m breaking the silence at 30

In the evening glow of September 9, 2019, Julianne Wilson captured her husband, Jarrid, tossing their younger son in the air – to much exhilaration and giggles – as they waited for their elder...


Time for our Second Passover

Singapore – we are on the cusp of the Second Passover. You understand the origins of the Passover. How, to kickstart the exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land, every firstborn in the land of Egypt...


You can fully trust in God’s promises for you

“Language opens up the non-present to our present.” My lecture on the philosophy of language ended with that statement. How beautiful that humans get to share language, and through it, have the...


In a coma at 9: Now Emmanuel fights to live the fullest life

“We just wanted him to be healthy and enjoy his childhood,” Evang, Emmanuel’s mum, shares with me. “Just like normal kids.” Emmanuel’s life has been anything but normal. The...


Single, professional, female … And under pressure to find someone

I sat down with Charissa Cho, who has previously held HR positions at Ernst and Young and Singapore Tourism Board, to talk about what it’s like being single at 30. Right off the bat, Charissa...


Don’t waste your time in university

For many of us, university is the first real chance to decide how we want to live our lives. As young adults, we are suddenly presented with opportunities to make decisions by ourselves. What modules...