
Your search for "full time under 30" yielded 964 results.

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: Dropping out of university for my mental health, God was my way maker

“You would need to pay an outstanding amount of S$XXXXX.XX for the withdrawal.” I was stunned. Staring at the email from the Office of Admission, I wondered whether I was making the right...

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: How I gave my “prime time” to God

I had neither planned nor considered going full-time. It was just never in my plan.  I came to know God at 15 and started serving Him as a pastoral leader in the youth ministry at 17. I was a Life...

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: I didn’t want to be called “pastor”

Truth be told, being a pastor was never something I aspired towards. I just had a deep love for the youth ministry, and a strong desire to be a part of what God was doing in His church and in my...


Full-time under 30: A passion for dance and missions brought us together

I was only 20 years old, and it happened when I was in Perth doing a Performing Arts Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). The focus of the week’s teaching was...


Full-time under 30: The call to ministry at age 20 changed my life

I was in the midst of completing my diploma in industrial design when I received the call to ministry. I remember that I entered a furniture competition and got through to the finals. After...


Full-time under 30: I never thought my love for soccer would become my mission field

One of the life goals that I set in secondary school was to be involved in sports when I grew up. Since young, I was athletic, though scrawny, always sacrificing my break times to run around playing...

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: Leaving law to answer a different call

During my time in university and first years of work as a criminal lawyer, I discovered that I really enjoyed the nature of the work. It’s tough for some to believe, but I genuinely loved my legal...

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: Becoming who I was made to be

In the first half of 2012, I wrote my future self a letter. I had just completed my final semester as a business student at SMU and had gathered with a group of schoolmates to assemble a time...

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: Help! I did not expect ministry to look like this

First things first, I don’t profess to know everything, and experiences definitely vary between individuals. I find it terribly challenging to pen these thoughts down as I still consider myself...