
Your search for "full time under 30" yielded 937 results.


Full-time under 30: The mission trip that changed my life

We featured Isaac in “Some save Batam: Taking the heart of Singapore beyond our shores”. I grew up in church. My mum and dad, and even grandparents were in church. But when I was 17 years...


Full-time under 30: I begged God not to call me to suffer

I may have worked in a missions agency for two years, but the truth is, I never considered missions before that. In fact, I actively avoided full-time ministry as well – because I’m a...


Full-time under 30: The pride and prejudice I face

“Oh, so you’re the holy type too,” she said as she frowned. She waved vaguely at my bleached hair and turquoise roots. “Your hair threw me off, I thought you were cooler than that.”...


Full-time under 30: From academia to the heart of Africa

Before I was called into missions in my early twenties, I remember chatting with a close friend who was feeling the nudge towards full-time ministry. She asked me what I thought, and with gutsy...


Full-time under 30: I didn’t think I was ready to commit

When the opportunity to work at arose as my graduation date drew near, I was initially excited about the prospect. I’d been working part-time with the ministry for some months by then...


Full-time under 30: This is also the real world

Christopher Chng is a 27-year-old Youth Worker at a local Methodist Church. Prior to his entry into full-time ministry, he was part of a discipleship training programme with missions organisation...

Real Life, Real People

Full-time under 30: I gave up a banking career to work with at-risk kids in Thailand

Like many of my peers in university, I wanted to pursue a career in wealth management with one of Singapore’s top banks. I remember writing out a progression plan for a career planning module,...


Antioch Summit: It’s time to turn the tide

Church, we have a grave and growing problem in the area of missions. At the turn of the millennium (1990-2000), Singapore was ranked by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary as the number one...


I’m super sentimental. Is that a bad thing?

I’m a pretty sentimental person. I’m the sort who will always look back to wave at my friends after we part. Goodbyes don’t sit well with me, whether it’s saying goodbye to...