
Your search for "depression" yielded 227 results.

Mental Health

Growing up as the “fat kid”: Undoing a decade of disordered eating

Growing up, I was always the “big kid”. King Kong, my mother would affectionately call me (which really, just meant “fat”). When I was in kindergarten, I was a head taller...


I am autistic and I am victorious: Trading my victim mentality for God-given individuality

TW: There is mention of suicide ideation, depression and anxiety in this article. Last year in April, after the release of my previous article, navigating the murky waters of JC life made me feel...

Mental Health

Nearly 1 in 5 Singaporeans face mental health struggles today: What can we do?

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health (MOH) released its findings from the National Population Health Survey 2022 which unveiled concerning insights about the mental health landscape in Singapore. The...


“What if my birthday isn’t happy?”: Unpacking the phenomenon of Birthday Blues

Have you ever felt unexplained moodiness and sadness every time your birthday approaches? Every year when my birthday rolls around, I find myself feeling extremely blue. And I canโ€™t remember...

Mental Health

I was anxious, depressed and thinking of giving up… but God gave me a miracle

I chose to use my actual name to show you that there is a real person behind this story, and you don’t have to be ashamed of what you’re struggling with. Eight months after I started...


What could drive a father to strangle his sons? A lonely desperation I know all too well

Reading about how Xavier Yap strangled his two autistic twin sons to “relieve” the caregiving burden on his wife, 32-year-old ABIGAIL LEE broke down and wept uncontrollably. As someone...

Church Life

As a mental health storm brews, how can the Church become a safe harbour of hope?

At last week’s Christian Mental Health Conference 2023, Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) CEO Gasper Tan spoke on trends relating to suicide statistics in Singapore, the landscape of mental health...

Church Life

The promise of new strength: Bishop Dr. Gordon Wong on hope for the weary soul

Delivering the keynote message on the first day of Christian Mental Health Conference 2023, Bishop Dr. GORDON WONG took us on a deep dive into Isaiah 40 and offered a quite different take on the...

Mental Health

An honest conversation with Gen Zs: Are we struggling with mental health?

Last week, we gathered to hear fellow Gen Zs pour their hearts out about mental health.ย  The common consensus of the night? Many of us struggle with mental health, and no one is alone. ERIKA MOK...