
Your search for "mental health" yielded 335 results.

Mental Health

After a long battle with depression, I’m stepping into a new season of recovery

When a WhatsApp message announcing the restarting of our church’s physical worship service came at the end of June, it signified a long-awaited moment for many since the lockdown started....


Vacation deprived? Now’s a good time to unpack our wanderlust

Spend any amount of time with friends in conversation or on social media, and one topic’s bound to come up: travel. You can see it in the #throwback posts and pictures of exotic locales. You...

Church Life

Back once again in the valley of decision: Online or onsite?

Back in February, we published an article, COVID-19 and the valley of decision: The unbearable pressure your Senior Pastor is under, in which we detailed the thought process a church leader faced...

Surveys & Reports

Millennials in the US are rejecting the faith. Are we seeing this happening here?

Last week, there was a study released in the US that looked at the Millennial generation and their worldviews.ย  Here are a few points that stood out, according to an annual survey conducted in...

Church Life

House churches: What may be new to us is normal for them

While COVID-19 has disrupted the way we do church, it is a good practice drill for us to prepare for the possibility that one day, we might no longer be able to gather in large congregations. After...

Mental Health

The girl with a morbid fascination for death

I developed a love for reading in primary 5. It started with innocent children’s books, before I turned to magic and fantasy. Then I read this goth novel in primary 6 that became the catalyst...

Real Life, Real People

Drugs, sex and prison: How a HIV diagnosis led a prodigal son home

Living a double life as a dentistry graduate student by day and promiscuous drug addict by night, Dr Christopher Yuan was peddling drugs โ€“ even to his professor โ€“ to support his habit. โ€œThree...


Is secular music safe for consumption?

โ€œHow do I decide what secular music is safe to listen to?โ€ This is a question I get asked a lot. When I first made that decision to make Jesus the Lord of my life, I inevitably had to change many...

Life & Death

In the wake of my grandfather’s passing, we had a reason for hope

On 17 May, my grandfather passed on at about 5am.ย  Everything happened in a flash. At 3am, we received a call from my grandmother that my grandfather had fallen down. This shocked us because my...