
Your search for "mental health" yielded 335 results.


How love transformed my father’s life

During this COVID-19 season, I spent more time in solitude, reflection and prayer in God’s presence. As I spent time with Him, I felt God leading me to reach out to my family. Growing up, I knew my...


This is not just a restart, but a new start: COVID survivor and Grace Assembly’s Pastor Wilson Teo

“No seminary can prepare you for what happened during that phase of my life,” said Pastor Wilson Teo, Senior Pastor of Grace Assembly of God, during the opening session of the annual...


How to use your SkillsFuture Credit (to bless others!)

What if someone handed you $1,000 to improve yourself by learning a skill? What would you choose to learn? In case you don’t know yet, that’s kind of what we’ve been given in the...


A letter to my children: Lessons from 2020 that we must never forget

To my dear daughters, 2020 has been an extraordinary year. Never before in the history of Singapore have we witnessed a pandemic upending our lives on such a scale. It all started from a cluster of...


Spend your youth on the most important thing, encourages Bishop Dr Gordon Wong

A popular saying goes: “The most important thing is to make the most important thing the most important thing.” Many things in life are important, such as our studies, our health, our friends....

Real Life, Real People

Embracing who I was created to be: Cara Chiang on the pursuit of real happiness

The year has been a big wake-up call, a memento mori (“remember you must die” in Latin) for Cara Chiang. Dubbed as the one who might take over the tailoring business that made shirts for...

How-tos & Handles

Conversations in the Church on same-sex attraction: How can we do better?

In our article “How do we share our views on same-sex attraction in a loving way?”, we shared Dr Christopher Yuan’s advice on how we can share the gospel with non-believers who identify as gay....

Real Life, Real People

Losing both my breasts at 28, cancer has given me a new perspective on life

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Bridget Lee speaks to Tammy Chen, who shared about how a sudden double mastectomy made her realise what were the truly important things in life. Tammy’s...


How do I help my cell group members when it comes to sexual purity?

“Lord, I’m so sorry… I messed up again. Help me stop.” This would be my almost nightly prayer for a number of years since the first time I began exploring my own sexuality out of curiosity. I...