The COVID-19 circuit breaker has led many Singapore churches and ministries into the digital space.

The online selection of Christian digital content has never been so densely resourced! And the good news is that technology has allowed us to reach people and places we couldn’t reach before.

But with this extensive selection, how do we choose well?

Here are 4 simple rules we can apply when faced with this avalanche of Christian digital content.

A. Always support your church first

If practicable and available, always support your own local church digital content before viewing others.

Your church pastors and the technical team spends hours to produce quality content to encourage you and keep you connected to your church.

Just like tithing, when you tithe, you commit to giving to your local church. In a similar spirit, always priorities to support the digital content produced by your church before engaging with others.

B. Be careful about what you watch

Don’t just watch and believe everything that is said. Remember that Scripture interprets scriptures. If one’s theology is formed based on only one Scripture reference, I would be suspicious if the theology is entirely sound.

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” (2 Timothy 4:3)

It is nice to hear what you want to hear, but take time to validate what is being said. Watch from credible content providers and not just any content. If unsure, always check with your church leaders.

C. Constantly tune in to the voice of the Holy Spirit 

We need to practise spiritual discernment.

Take for example, when you hear something, and it just doesn’t seem to sit right in your heart and spirit – leaving you with a negative vibe that makes you feel uneasy.

That may well be the Holy Spirit prompting you to steer away.

Scripture interprets scriptures.

It’s fundamental to discern God’s views and thoughts on the content that you are feeding your eyes, ears and mind.

Exercise your spiritual discernment. Process the digital information you consume, by judging if it’s aligned to God’s Word.

So, tune in to the voice of the Holy Spirit and practise spiritual discernment.

D. Don’t just watch for your gain

It is so easy to adopt a consumerist mindset, especially when faced with such a wide selection of digital content. We pick and choose what suits our palate.

A “me” attitude is self-centred in thought: “What can the content can do for me?”

It is vital to add value to our lives, especially with the limited time you have. However, unpractised value is stagnant value. The value you’ve received becomes stagnant when is not practice.

Learn to put into practice what you have heard, and be a blessing. When you choose to put into practice the values you’ve learnt, it becomes valuable and a blessing to those around you. 

Jesus came to serve and not to be served.

So let us learn from Jesus’ example in Luke 2:41-52 when He was a boy, sitting amongst the teachers.

He had set His priority on God’s house. He didn’t accept everything the teachers taught. He listened and asked questions intently.

And Jesus came to serve and not to be served. His life, death and resurrection became a blessing to others.

So, as you engage with digital content online, may you also grow in wisdom and stature and find favour with God and man.

  1. Think about the Christian content you’ve been consuming. Do any of them leave you feeling uneasy in a bad way?
  2. Which of Pastor Jason’s guidelines might you apply?
  3. Reach out to your pastor this week and encourage him.