I have a severely disabled daughter. She’s physically and mentally disabled, and in a wheelchair. But how I deal with that disappointment is to make sure that I don’t get offended at God.

If we lead our lives without dealing with our disappointments, what happens is that we end up being offended at God.

And we start blaming God for something that was not from Him.

The Bible clearly says in the book of John, that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus comes to give life and to give it abundantly (John 10:10).

Sickness is not from God. God didn’t send sickness to teach us a lesson. He sent Jesus Christ to teach sickness a lesson.

How we deal with disappointments in our life today determines the fruit or the outcome of our walk tomorrow. 

I too live in the tension – and many of us do – but the absence of the miracle doesn’t define the nature of God.

I don’t worship the day of miracles, I worship the God of miracles.

So when the miracle doesn’t come, my contentment is not in the miracle, my contentment is in Jesus.

Have I seen my daughter healed yet? No. Do I see special needs kids healed? Yes, all the time. 

It’s a common question: whether miracles can still happen or whether miracles do happen.

Miracles still happen today. There’s hardly a day that goes by that I don’t see a miracle in one form or another, and it’s spreading around the world.

This is the most exciting time that we could possibly be alive.

These nuggets of wisdom have been adapted from our full article here — you’ll find more reflections on healing and dealing with disappointment within!