I’ve been struggling to figure out what my passion is.

I often think about where I should be heading next or what I should be spending my free time on. I try out different things but nothing seems to excite me.

I’ve always longed for a job where I would not dread going to work every day — something that would be new and exciting every day.

So last week I was contacted by a company I really wanted to join. It’s a small firm with a small team which doesn’t really recruit unless someone resigns, I suppose.

I had emailed them 2 months ago, so when they finally contacted me I couldn’t believe it. I went down for an interview and when I stepped into the office I felt like it would be the dream job for me.

I found it exciting, but the job would require me to work long hours and my holidays might be burnt in busy periods. So I was concerned about being unable to attend cell group and Sunday service regularly, as well as being unable to commit to regular Bible study this year.

I wanted to spend more time with my family and friends, and be available to take part in my first-ever mission trip this year. There are so many things I want to do.

Our lives should reflect Christ and His thoughts should increasingly be ours.

Coincidentally, my friend said this to me recently: “Sometimes if we want to spend more time on other things and spend time with our loved ones, we can’t chase our dreams and passions. And sometimes people chase their work or passions and end up losing their souls. We can’t have the best of both worlds.”

Well, I think it’s possible to have the best of both worlds at times — but not everyone is careful enough to strike that balance. And many times it is easier to lose our souls to our job or passions instead of focusing on other important things God has given to us, like the relationships we have with people around us.

So I decided to leave the results of that interview into God’s hands, while looking for other jobs or other meaningful things to do in my free time.

These past few days I’ve been reading Colossians, where I highlighted the verses which stuck out to me.

But the thought that came to my mind as I looked through my highlighted verses was, “What are we actually saved for?” In Colossians, Paul is writing to the Christians in Colossae. I am reminded that we are saved for His purpose — not just so we can escape hell.

“He has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him.”  (Colossians 1:22)

God saved us so we could become holy and blameless. So our lives should reflect Christ (Colossians 2:6-7) and His thoughts should increasingly be ours (Colossians 1:9). There is great purpose in exemplifying and proclaiming Christ (Colossians 1:28-29) in all areas of our lives, including work.

What I’ve learnt is that work is a platform to show Christ in our lives. So even the words we say in it must reflect Him (Colossians 4:3-5).

We are chosen for a purpose, and we will know what His calling for us is when we fix our eyes upon Him and His commission for us.

Wherever we are — we can do God’s work.