
I could do things my way ā€“Ā but there’s a better way

Throughout the years, my heart has been yearning for things that God has not been giving to me. I yearned for a reputable career in the creative industry, but I’m now a full-time ministry...


The Plate Spinner: Advice for busy young adults

Have you ever seen a plate spinner? A guy sets up a stick, puts a ridiculously fragile plate on top of it and spins the stick, such that the plate on top spins in tandem and stays upright in an...

Real Life, Real People

The credit analyst who left everything behind for an unpaid internship in Cambodia

When I was younger in the faith, I used to hateĀ the idea of working in the church office. ThatĀ was my only concept of what full-time ministry could look like.Ā I had the perception that it would...

Real Life, Real People

Full-time under 30: I gave up a banking career to work with at-risk kids in Thailand

Like many of my peers in university, I wanted to pursue a career in wealth management with one of Singaporeā€™s top banks. I remember writing out a progression plan for a career planning module,...

Finding Purpose

The danger of self-help

Help? We are all searching for purpose, meaning and fulfilment in the lives we lead. We are a people looking for help. Although we try to appearĀ put together on the outside, the rate at which...


Why I stay in my job, despite bad bosses and dodgy practices

I used to think that engineers had a life relatively free of “work politics”. After all, the stereotypes suggest engineers are shy, awkward and harmless, right? So fresh out of college, I...

Finding Purpose

Stop comparing yourself to others ā€“Ā you’re better than that

HOW TO OVERCOME THE SPIRIT OF COMPARISON 1. Celebrate each other’s successes It’s generally easier for us to suffer with others easier than to rejoice with them. If someone is doing...

Finding Purpose

Message from your #FUTUREME: Don’t stop dreaming!

The teenage years are a special place to be. Your heart is like aĀ raw diamond, glistening with fresh dreams and aspirations, full of expectancy and possibility. But itā€™s also a time of youthful...


Time to pay the price

Redeeming the time (kairos) because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16) Man’s days are evil ā€” full of pain and laborious trouble. Yet in between the humdrum of life, God appoints kairos...