Studies & NS

When I didn’t make it into OCS

When I began my NS journey in 2014, all I cared about was making it into OCS. Officer Cadet School (OCS) is a path only some soldiers will get to take. It’s a route reserved for soldiers of...


Unemployed, in debt – and learning how to trust Him

I grew up in a loving and pampered environment. That’s great while you’re a kid – but bad when you’re an adult. I had to grow up, become a more mature me. But to do that, I needed...

Finding Purpose

Can we go back to the start?

We’ve all wanted to hit the restart button before. We want a reset when life’s all topsy-turvy – when everything’s turned upside down. We want another shot when it seems nothing can...


Do worldly successes define you?

How would you feel if you were one — or all — of the following: A medical student, Employee of the Year, and/or a millionaire? Would being any of these things change the way you feel about...


Anything wrong with being passive aggressive? Nope. Nothing at all. Of course not

“Wah, I really cannot stand her leh, she’s damn pagro!” My colleague slumped back into her chair and sighed. “Pagro? You coin new term ah?” I asked. “No lah. She wants me to finish this...


I don’t have everything, but I have more than enough

Years ago when starting out, I was a hungry, ambitious fresh graduate seeking to make a name for herself. I also had a scant portfolio and no experience. So it wasn’t at all surprising that while...

Church Life

When the well runs dry

A job hazard for a writer is the fact that I feel like I have to continually draw from the well of my soul. It makes sense as a writer – that’s where you’d think most of the great...

Finding Purpose

I’m right where I should be

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” (Matthew...

Finding Purpose

You have nothing to be ashamed of

I’m so afraid to write for your people, God. Me? I’m not qualified! I’ve been writing in my diary, journal and Tumblr for years. It’s always been just for me. For instance,...