Finding Purpose

Do Good

I dream of a HungerFree world. Do you?

Having studied Communications in college, I desired to find a job where I could strengthen my skills and use them to serve God. So when I came across a job listing for Resource Development and...


Burnt out? More like plugged out

Burnout. You hear it so much these days. Candles burn out when there is no wax left to draw from. Fires burn out when there’s no more oxygen left to fuel the flames. Engines burn out when...


This is my In-dependence Day

A year ago today, I celebrated my own Independence Day. I had quit the job I loved after a whirlwind journey of four years. I was 27 years old and leaving the industry I was so sure God had designed...


Saying yes to God – one year on

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. (Proverbs 16:9) I wrote that verse out and put it up on my room walls the night before my ‘A’ Level examinations....


I’m at my boiling point

I recently graduated, aged 25. My bros and I are at the life stage where things like gainful employment, having found a girlfriend, and engagement are supposed to be on the cards. Speaking as a...

Finding Purpose

Where are you going?

Kayaking is fun. I especially love the feeling of being pushed around by the waves. You’re in control, but not fully. You’re safe, but not totally. I took a kayaking course recently, and...

Mental Health

If I don’t show up

Some nights, before I sleep, I browse through my phone calendar. (Not the best way to deal with insomnia, I’ll admit.) I have little reminders set up for almost every day of the month. They...

Mental Health

Please, help me see

I once believed that one day I’d change the world in a good, unselfish, non-superficial way. But real life hit me hard. I was overrun by a deep existential crisis. No, not the kind you feel...

Finding Purpose

Why be like everyone else? Just be you

Let’s say you’ve just entered a room. You don’t know anyone there. So you spend a bit of time observing everyone. How they move. When they speak. Where they stop. Their facial...