Finding Purpose


Are you waiting for your big break?

Sometimes, I feel like I’m still waiting for my big break. All my life, I’ve been wondering when my big break would come. For instance, when I did comedy, I waited for some life-changing...


Am I who my résumé says I am?

What do you say if someone asked you about yourself? We’ve been through the drill in school – wait for your turn, think of something witty but not over-the-top, stand up in front of a group of...


Why I teach children with special needs

“One man built his house on the sand 
 It crashed! It crashed!” What followed this bizarre outcry were more words I could not understand, not even as a special needs teacher. My student drew...


Are we all called to certain jobs?

Friends tell me they’re in a certain field of work in obedience to God’s calling. In secular vocations, this was commonly heard for careers that required specific skills or fields of...


Do you face each new season in life with anticipation or anxiety?

What would it be like if our world was always day, with no night? I asked myself this question while on a plane from San Francisco to Singapore – a 16-hour flight, with nearly all of it in...

Finding Purpose

Can we go back to the start?

We’ve all wanted to hit the restart button before. We want a reset when life’s all topsy-turvy – when everything’s turned upside down. We want another shot when it seems nothing can...


Do worldly successes define you?

How would you feel if you were one — or all — of the following: A medical student, Employee of the Year, and/or a millionaire? Would being any of these things change the way you feel about...


I don’t have everything, but I have more than enough

Years ago when starting out, I was a hungry, ambitious fresh graduate seeking to make a name for herself. I also had a scant portfolio and no experience. So it wasn’t at all surprising that while...

Finding Purpose

I’m right where I should be

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” (Matthew...