

The one that got away

I’m 22. Never had a boyfriend. Never held hands with anyone. Never kissed anyone. And I was contented with that… Until he entered my life. Just two weeks ago, we were complete strangers. I...

Do Good

I dream of a HungerFree world. Do you?

Having studied Communications in college, I desired to find a job where I could strengthen my skills and use them to serve God. So when I came across a job listing for Resource Development and...


THIR.ST TALKS: Our favourite dads dish the dirt on you

Everybody’s best friend or man of a few words, your father probably always had a good story to tell. pulled up a chair and sat down with four of our favourite fathers – Uncle...


Learning from Dad: Lessons from my late father

Life in abundance comes only through great love. Uncle Jeffrey Goh, now in his seventies, recounts how his father gave him the greatest blessing despite the lack he grew up in. I grew up in a very...


Draw yo’ mama!

“I was 25 when I got married and I told Jerry I didn’t want children.” Samantha Chia’s eyes crinkle into her trademark smile. She has the undeniable air of a mother, loving...


Struggles in solitude, and my song of surrender

I was travelling overseas alone with my ukulele, attempting to run away from all my problems back in Singapore. I was disappointed by relationships, disappointed in myself. A lifelong introvert,...

Finding Purpose

Message from your #FUTUREME: Don’t stop dreaming!

The teenage years are a special place to be. Your heart is like a raw diamond, glistening with fresh dreams and aspirations, full of expectancy and possibility. But it’s also a time of youthful...

Real Life, Real People

THIR.ST TALKS: I know an amazing woman

We’ve all heard stories about amazing women – but how often do we hear these stories from the mouths of men? went behind the scenes with five such women who have incredible stories of...


THIR.ST TALKS: Veteran Valentines share their secrets on how to make a marriage last

With increasing divorce rates, older marriages and fewer people opting for marriage, young couples may approach Valentine’s Day with weariness and trepidation. It seems ever harder for a...