
This is my last month as a single: 4 things I’ve learnt

I first met Cheryl about 12 years ago while we were still in different secondary schools. Today, it’s been more than 3 years since we started dating and we’re finally getting married in...


Where our love story went wrong

“What do you find the greatest joy in?” I paused, thinking about what puts a smile on my face, what keeps me going every day, and what gives me the most happiness. “I suppose I find the...


Seeing God as a loving Father

I came from a family with a silent father. He was never really pleased or displeased with me, but mainly disinterested. After enough disappointments and unmet promises in my childhood, he became a...


Do you believe that love is a choice?

Someone I trusted a lot broke my heart, and in processing it with God, it became more and more clear to me that love is a choice. I used to think that defining love as a choice rather than a feeling...


演员吴清樑Charlie Goh: 我也曾经想过结束一切


Real Life, Real People

I wanted to tell my dad how much I hated him

I’m going to tell you a story about a 11-year-old boy who woke up one day and just wanted to die. Have you ever felt lonely? That’s how I felt growing up. I was brought up on a farm in the state...


Is it better not to marry?

The other night my sister and I found ourselves talking about singleness because we’re, you know, single. We talked about God’s gift of sexuality, and both agreed that it’s a...


How is God moving in your friendships?

“Wow, I can relate to what Jesus said about being born again spiritually, and not physically. This makes a lot of sense!” When my friend K* blurted that sentence out in the middle of January,...

Mental Health

Do you need some compassion?

“Self, I forgive you.” These were precious words I learnt from a sweet lady who told me about her own practice of self-forgiveness. Every so often we come into need for compassion on ourselves....