I first met Cheryl about 12 years ago while we were still in different secondary schools. Today, it’s been more than 3 years since we started dating and we’re finally getting married in...
“What do you find the greatest joy in?” I paused, thinking about what puts a smile on my face, what keeps me going every day, and what gives me the most happiness. “I suppose I find the...
I came from a family with a silent father. He was never really pleased or displeased with me, but mainly disinterested. After enough disappointments and unmet promises in my childhood, he became a...
Someone I trusted a lot broke my heart, and in processing it with God, it became more and more clear to me that love is a choice. I used to think that defining love as a choice rather than a feeling...
I’m going to tell you a story about a 11-year-old boy who woke up one day and just wanted to die. Have you ever felt lonely? That’s how I felt growing up. I was brought up on a farm in the state...
The other night my sister and I found ourselves talking about singleness because we’re, you know, single. We talked about God’s gift of sexuality, and both agreed that it’s a...
“Wow, I can relate to what Jesus said about being born again spiritually, and not physically. This makes a lot of sense!” When my friend K* blurted that sentence out in the middle of January,...
“Self, I forgive you.” These were precious words I learnt from a sweet lady who told me about her own practice of self-forgiveness. Every so often we come into need for compassion on ourselves....