
This CNY, here’s how to express your appreciation through the 5 love languages

I must confess that I’m not a big fan of Chinese New Year (CNY). It generally feels a bit too superficial for my liking (too many big parties with some people I’m not particularly close to and...


5 clever comebacks to the most popular questions you’ll get at CNY

For some 29 years now – of which I was responsive for about 20 (there are gaps) – I have been going to Chinese New Year gatherings. That alone makes me highly qualified to write an article on how...


How God met me where I was — single and feeling left behind

I have been longing for a partner for as long as I can remember, to have a family where we all worship God together. However, my plans of getting married young did not happen. Instead, my 20s were...


Why do I want a significant other?

I was four years old when I told my mum that I’d like to get married when I’m older. “Because,” I told my mum excitedly, “I’d like to wear a white dress — just like Cinderella!” I’m...


No, I don’t want to write yet another Christmas card for the wrong reason

Ever since secondary school, I would write cards every Christmas. It began as a personal initiative where I would dedicate time and resources to decorate and write cards for friends and those who...


The Distance Between: What lengths would you go to for those you love?

It was in 2015 when a seed for the migrant worker community was planted in one young man’s heart. Ang Wei Ming was 19 when he went down to HealthServe as a volunteer with Singapore Youth for...


A letter to my brothers who struggle with special needs

Growing up, our family are the people we’re closest to, but sometimes they are also the cause of our greatest heartaches.  Middle child Daniel* (19) tell us about his struggles in learning how to...


5 ways to stop feeling desperate when it comes to dating

I have been in that situation before. The one where desperation starts to creep in when dating options seem limited and there are long periods of not finding anyone suitable. And by suitable, I mean...


5 biblical friendships we can learn from

Friends. They provide us with companionship. They support and stand with us in difficult times. They even challenge and hold us accountable for the bad behaviour or sin we display. However, keeping...