

Are your friends only from Church?

I wasn’t born a Christian, so I experienced certain difficulties with my friendships when I first came to Christ. I remember the first time I told my friends about my decision. I was nervous and...


In trying to be a friend, I let myself be emotionally manipulated

I grew up with love stories. When I was younger, it was about how true love made a mermaid abandon her home for a prince.  When I was older, it was the Korean dramas which showed how true love...


Are you fighting with a friend?

For two years, I’ve been embroiled in a terrible fight with a good friend. It’s a long story, but the crux of it was that greatly hurtful words were ultimately said after months of...


To my friends this Christmas: Your presence has made all the difference

Reflecting on the year as it comes to a close, I see myself still walking on the road to recovery from the great hurt in my life. I was asking myself typical strength-based questions that...


The God of irreconcilable differences

There is no way we can save this. No hope that we’ll ever work out our problems. We’re too different. Too far gone. We just have to accept it as irretrievable. Unfixable. One too many...


Learning to love my imperfect cell group

Ah, cell group. I didn’t attend youth cell group as a Secondary School student unlike most people who start attending one after they graduated from Sunday School. From the outside in, this is...


I tried to be an extrovert for years

I’ve only recently accepted that I’m introverted. Growing up, I wasn’t entirely in the dark about my personality. I remember recognising early on that I was a little bit different...


A tender but strong heart

“Be tender-hearted, and be strong-hearted..” Those were about the last words my mentor gave me before our season ended, and one of the deepest lessons I am still learning in life. I find that the...


My friend left Church because of me

All names have been changed for confidentiality. “I need a break from church and from y’all to think about what happened,” a good friend wrote in a text message to me one day. And with that...