What storms have you been in? What storm are you now in? An unwelcome circumstance that arises from the horizon. The sudden turbulence of unpleasant change. Your boat rocks. Gently at first, but...
The number of teenage suicides in Singapore is on the rise. Twenty-seven Singaporeans aged 10 to 19 killed themselves in 2015 –a 15-year high, and twice as many as the year before....
I write this to every bleeding heart called to the tall order of redemption. Blessed are the poor in spirit … To live in spiritual poverty. To live on scraps. To continually hunger and thirst....
I tried to be the perfect girl. I thought that amid all the hustle and bustle, I was discovering myself. I thought I knew it all. I thought I had figured everything out, had my future panned out in...
When I was 27, I left everything I had and knew in Singapore to pursue God’s calling for me as a missionary in Japan. On the morning of my 28th birthday, I sat in a cafe in Tokyo, and wrote in my...
Around the world, 1 in 5 young people suffer from mental illness. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that that an estimated number of 350 million people are affected by depression and about...
Hello Despair, my old friend. I’d never thought it would end up like this, but our relationship has grown remarkably over 2016. I am convinced that you now deserve a place among my inner circle of...
When Lum Kum Sung was a teenager, he lived the #YOLO life. An adventure-seeker, he loved anything that got him on his feet. His social life was also rich – friends jio-ed him for many activities...
I’ve sat through too many funerals this year. I remember the white sheets, the flowers, the smell of groundnuts. Some of the deceased lived full lives. More than half were young. Invariably, a...