Whenever I read Bible verses that spoke of “dying to self”, I can’t help but have tears well up in my eyes. I will always remember how my mother embodied this value while she was still on...
Papa has Parkinson’s disease. When I first heard this statement, I didn’t think much of it. Because I was young when it happened, I assumed this was just another illness that would pass....
Emmanuel was nine when he was first diagnosed with myopathy, an incurable condition that affects muscle growth. Ever since then, he has had difficulty being active; even sitting down for too long can...
As someone who has been active in more than one church ministry on top of being a full-time university student, I can personally attest to feeling stretched. I love serving in church and see it as a...
Having studied in Australia for five years, jumping headfirst into work in Singapore was tough. Towards the end of my work supervision, I began to feel strangely overwhelmed and crippled. I felt that...
Trigger warning: This article contains mention of suicide. Growing up, I was sometimes bullied for being different. These experiences made me feel really small and very insecure about who I was. I...
Samantha* (48) is a full-time ministry worker who is bright and cheerful. If you were meeting her for the first time, you wouldn’t be able to guess that she underwent a major surgery just four...
Rev Canon Dr James Wong was called home to the Lord on April 8 at the age of 82. His funeral service was held this afternoon on April 12. Serving faithfully for 41 years with the Anglican Diocese of...
In February, we ran an article on Joy who was fighting for her life after being stricken with what doctors suspected was lupus. Though Joy’s family and friends rallied around her in prayer, she...