Mental Health

Mental Health

I will not be shaken

What do you do when the devil makes multiple attempts to overthrow you? How do you respond when he tries to steal and kill and destroy (John 10:10) the very things you hold dear? Such an incident...


I liked myself because I was “liked”

When social media first entered our lives, it was a fun and novel way to connect with friends and family. I suppose it remained rather innocuous for me until I started working. As a performer, I...

Mental Health

Comparison beyond grades

For a couple of weeks in recent months, the CNA Insider video featuring students from different school streams was the only constant on my Facebook News Feed. Touching on the sensitive (and often...

Mental Health

My journey through being bullied

I often think about the seasons of my life. As a kid, I was unwanted by the people around me. The wayward and strange culture that I grew up in had a way of distorting my thinking. I learnt that...

Mental Health

Wading through grief and the broken heart

It was around 4pm on a Monday. My friend sent me a text that a mutual acquaintance of ours had just passed on. From suicide, to be exact. Is it even possible to grieve over someone you barely knew?...


Feeling desperate? Worship is the answer

Think about all the things you’re struggling with today. What would happen if I asked you to take a step back from the problems and worries … And worshipped? Have you ever thought to do...


Death by productivity

If anyone looked at my scheduler, they would be (in my biased opinion) impressed by the level of detail I put into my planning. Rainbow splashes of every highlighter colour, one for every aspect of...

Mental Health

I was too proud to seek help for my mental health problems

At 27 years old, I stepped into the Institute of Mental Health for the first time. After an argument that escalated out of hand at home, it struck me that there might actually be something wrong with...


Seasons are for trees to grow: You don’t leave us in the hurting

I want you to think about your lowest point in life. What do you feel when you recall the memory? Maybe you don’t want to remember it – that’s alright. My lowest point was about two years ago...