Mental Health


Don’t numb the pain

Sigmund Freud once proposed that the mind seeks to avoid pain and findĀ pleasure. In this life, we will get our hearts get broken. People might say mean things to us. Something or someone beloved...

Mental Health

It is okay to be not okay

Have you ever felt a pain so great that it pounds through every fibre of your being? I have. My mind goes back to one night some years back when Iā€™d gone to see a volunteer counsellor in one of the...

Mental Health

Why are you crying?

Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white,Ā seated where Jesusā€™ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot....

Real Life, Real People

The boy who’s always been picked on ā€“ and the God who picked me

I’ve always been bullied. Growing up, I felt no one understood me. I always felt that my parents favoured other people. At least, to my young mind it looked that way ā€“ it seemed they always...

Mental Health

Mocked and molested, I attempted suicide again and again. But now I truly live

When I wasĀ 9, I wasĀ molested by my uncle. I was silenced; told not to lie. “Kids will be kids,” they said. When I was 11, I finally stood up to my uncle. I shouted at him to ā€œF***...


Riding the storms of life

What storms have you been in? What storm are you nowĀ in? An unwelcome circumstance that arises from the horizon. The sudden turbulence of unpleasant change. Your boat rocks. Gently at first, but...

Mental Health

Studies, stress and suicide

The number of teenage suicides in Singapore isĀ on the rise. Twenty-sevenĀ Singaporeans aged 10 to 19 killed themselves in 2015 ā€“a 15-year high, and twice as many as the year before....

Mental Health

The privilege of the bleeding heart

I write this to every bleeding heart called to the tall order of redemption. Blessed are the poor in spirit … To live in spiritual poverty. To live on scraps. To continually hunger and thirst....

Mental Health

From life overwhelming, to life overflowing

I tried to be the perfect girl. I thought that amid all the hustle and bustle, I was discovering myself.Ā I thought I knew it all. I thought I had figured everything out, had my future panned out in...