

“This is why Jesus told stories”: Assembly Asia’s Raphael Foo on the role of creative arts in evangelism

“The Gospel of Jesus Christ is going through a big change. Not in terms of the content, but the way it’s being presented.” Speaking on the second day of the X3 Creative conference, Raphael Foo,...


Overcoming depression: Will I ever be okay?

In Singapore, 1 in 7 people have suffered from a mental disorder in their lifetime. This is an increase compared to the 1 in 8 ratio recorded by a landmark study six years earlier.  Most of these...


We don’t need more love, just better love

“Love is real only when a person can sacrifice himself for another person. Only when a person forgets himself for the sake of another, and lives for another creature, only this kind of love can...


A second shot at life: Salt Media’s Sherman Ng on almost losing it all to a life of decadence

To a spectator on the outside, Sherman Ng has led a good life. The ex-banker who traded in his fancy cars for pastoral work to take care of his stepfather’s church, and soon after entered the...


Slavery is still a US$150 billion industry and only 1% are ever rescued: What can we do?

Imagine living as prey to nameless and faceless predators in a country far away from your own, whose crimes against you are protected by their relative anonymity on the internet. And imagine if the...


“The danger of familiarity is losing intimacy”: Isaac Ong at X3 Creative Conference

“I once had a girl come into a service where I was preaching with her bolster,” Isaac Ong shared at the X3 Creative Conference last Saturday, to a burst of laughter from across the room....


ChristianX 2019: How can we be Church in a digital world?

On April 2, 2018, global superstar Justin Bieber uploaded a post to Instagram, a screenshot boldly declaring: “JESUS HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. EASTER IS NOT ABOUT A BUNNY, IT’S A REMINDER THAT MY...


“God loves justice, but justice is not God”: Eugene Cho at The Justice Conference Asia

“I can’t stand your religious meetings. I’m fed up with your conferences and conventions. I want nothing to do with your religion projects, your pretentious slogans and goals. I’m sick of...


Kingdom Invasion: Rev Canon Dr Andrew White on forgiveness in the war zone of Iraq

If anyone understands persecution, it would be Rev Canon Dr Andrew White. Previously a vicar of St George’s Church in Baghdad, the only Anglican church in Iraq, he experienced persecution...