
How is it fair when people don’t get what they deserve?

I’m not sure how much you believe in these personality tests, but I’m an ENTJ according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and an Enneagram Type 8. Among other things, it means I often...


Full-time under 30: The call to ministry at age 20 changed my life

I was in the midst of completing my diploma in industrial design when I received the call to ministry. I remember that I entered a furniture competition and got through to the finals. After...


Can you imagine life without the Bible?

Outside a village in Korupun, West Papua, Indonesia, a crowd gathers. Chanting and singing, they crane their heads eagerly towards the sky in anticipation of a plane’s arrival. Flanked by a group...

Mental Health

There’s hope, even when our family experiences have shaped us for the worse

Growing up, Abigail Lee struggled with revealing her true self to her family members.  “The expectation I had as a youth was that each time I showed my negative emotions and feelings, I would...


Loving Singapore starts in our homes: Day of His Power 2020

At the first-ever online Day of His Power, church leaders kicked off the evening with a heartfelt discussion on the state of the Church, sharing how they felt God was challenging the Body of Christ...


How are cell groups doing in this new normal?

Although the stringent measures imposed during the circuit breaker have since been relaxed and churches are starting to reopen, the air of anxiety surrounding mass social interaction nonetheless...


What do I do about my spiritual life if nothing seems to be happening?

You’ve probably heard it before that God is with us on the mountaintops and in the valleys. But did you know He’s also there in the in-between? God is with us in the plains! In the high...


How can I contribute to cell group if I’m just a “normal” member?

For all the years I’ve been attending cell group, I always saw myself as nothing more than just a “normal” cell member. And as a “normal” cell member, the only role I thought I...


Full-time under 30: I never thought my love for soccer would become my mission field

One of the life goals that I set in secondary school was to be involved in sports when I grew up. Since young, I was athletic, though scrawny, always sacrificing my break times to run around playing...