Church Life

After 3 years as a pastor, here is what I have learnt

Today is the official day and three-year mark of being a pastor in Soakability Church! Prior to this, I was based in Redding, California for five years before moving back to Singapore. If you want to...


Were David and Jonathan more than friends?

Have you ever wondered about the relationship between David and Jonathan in the Bible? Much has been read into the seemingly suggestive friendship between these two Bible characters by some, which is...

Do Good

Brave? No, I was just answering a call to serve refugees in Iraq

About eight years ago, I had what I thought was a nightmare. I remember first seeing buildings being shuttered and deserted. Then I saw crowds of people fleeing from an unknown threat at what seemed...


God’s design: What’s the Big Idea and why should it matter to me?

Today, few topics are as fiercely contested as sexuality. With the local spotlight widening on matters of sexuality and gender neutrality, it can be a confusing time for Christians. How do we make...

Surveys & Reports

5 things the census tells us about young people and religion

Back when we could still meet in large numbers, seeing new faces at our weekend services was common, so our churches must be growing right? Based on Singapore’s latest population census...


Pastor Benny Ho on “Church 2.0”: 7 ways the coronavirus crisis has transformed discipleship

When the pandemic started, I thought that it would be like SARS that took a couple of months before we came back to normalcy.  But the next thing we knew, we were in a global lockdown. All our...

Church Life

Church, let’s be a safe place for all who struggle

Five years ago, I met and heard the stories of many Christians with same-sex attraction – they shared honestly and vulnerably about their experiences and how their church had responded. I was also...

Do Good

The story of Kitesong: When saying “yes” unlocks the dreams of your heart

When migrant workers were beginning to fall ill with COVID-19 in Singapore, Tam Wai Jia was teaching as an educator at medical school. The young doctor had left clinical work to focus on public...

Real Life, Real People

The Helping Hand: How the Father’s love freed a prisoner from his old ways

Ever since he was 15 years old, Jason Gwee had been going in and out of prison for drug abuse. His life was a vicious cycle of serving 2-3 years in prison, getting released and then eventually being...