I once attended a conference where a prayer room was set up, and people were free to visit the prayer room any time during the conference. However, I knew this prayer room was different the moment I...
Many are facing mental health struggles today. Most of us would have friends and loved ones around us who are dealing with these struggles, and some of us are even struggling ourselves. It is a good...
Picture the finishing line of a particularly gruelling race. Perhaps an Ironman challenge, or an ultramarathon, or cycling’s month-long Tour de France. There, a journalist gathers quotes and...
At Antioch Summit, we caught up with Jemima Ooi, a missionary who has been working for 11 years in East Africa serving communities affected by war. The 35-year-old recounted how she prepared and grew...
In a world full of distractions, it can be a struggle to hear from God. We may look at others who constantly share about their “God moments” or encounters with God, and wonder why hearing...
Personally, I’ve begun to ponder more on what the Garden of Eden represents. Why would God make such a beautiful habitation for Adam and Eve? What does it mean when they fell? Most of all, how...
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health (MOH) released its findings from the National Population Health Survey 2022 which unveiled concerning insights about the mental health landscape in Singapore. The...
The Bible only ever explicitly mentions tattoos in Leviticus 19:28: “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.” It’s right there in the...
According to the Oxford dictionary, a denomination is a recognised autonomous branch of the Christian Church. There are a lot of denominations and they often have different emphases on different...