
When life goes off key: From minor injuries to major detours

My dream has always been to use music as an outreach tool to touch people’s lives and share the Gospel. From early on in my young adulthood, I taught and performed on the piano, and frequently...


I’m a new Christian and loving it

Before I came to know Christ, I went to temples with my family as I was not born into a Christian family. At that point of time, I didn’t know which god I was praying to because there was so...


I hope you’ll find love

One would assume only singles struggle with the issue of loneliness while married couples live happily ever after. But that’s not true. Loneliness can permeate even in relationships. I remember...


Don’t wait until the deathbed

I wrote about my grandma’s health scare last year. Although the doctors found nothing wrong with her body, the scare took a toll on her mental health. My grandma became depressed, and her body...


Weddings are nice, but it’s the marriage that counts

“…I take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do...

Real Life, Real People

In the face of darkness, a defiant song of grace

5 years ago at an Awaken Generation worship night, a couple shared openly what they were praying for: The wife had a tumour in her eye and needed a healing miracle. As they were sharing, God put it...


What are you slaving away for?

Everything you are about to read in this article is extremely counter-cultural – counterintuitive, even. But if you persevere and make it to the end, applying the lessons God reveals, I promise you...


When the dreams in your heart are torn apart

It was my dream to become a doctor for the poor, inspired by a documentary on Operation Smile, a non-profit medical organisation supported by volunteer doctors who provide free surgery for children...


Is God just an angry old man?

“Why is God so different in the Old Testament (OT) and New Testament (NT)? In the OT, He seems so wrathful. But in the NT, Jesus is so loving and tender … did God change over time? That...