
5 steps to impact your neighbourhood

About two months ago, I attended a Community Pastoring (CP) seminar organised by Living Sanctuary Brethren Church (LSBC). Community Pastoring is a strategy for positioning the church in the community...


When you don’t understand the plan

Two men were discussing politics after a controversial death in the capital. They were upset because things hadn’t gone the way they had hoped. They had long believed this man would be the one...


Introverted or just passive?

Every time I am asked by my church to go out for street evangelism, a little part of my soul plunges. As an introvert, I don’t even want to approach strangers for help if I need it – let alone...


Are we striving or thriving in our journey of discipleship?

I realise that I am asking a hard question to all of us as a body of Christ. Deep inside our hearts we want to make disciples of all nations as our Lord Jesus has given us the command in Matthew...


What’s my role in the fivefold ministry?

So you’ve been going to church for sometime now and wondering where you fit into the greater story of God’s Kingdom. After all, we are part of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 4:12) and...


How to partner God in evangelism

“Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert place.” (Acts 8:26) What if one day, you...


"The Greek word for go, means go": Canon J John on evangelism, hope and lifting roofs

“None of us have got it together, but together, we’ve got it,” Canon J John declared with a smile as he took the stage. Sensing the crowd’s amusement at the witty line, he...

Real Life, Real People

The day my passion broke me

When I first became Christian, I realised that believing in a God wasn’t difficult. It was believing that He is a God who is sovereign and good that was the problem for me. As one who lived with...


A letter to my 25-year-old self

In this season of prayer and fasting, there’s been a lot of death around me. All these encounters with the brevity of life have made me reflect on what it means to make my life count: Not for...