

What it took for this young teacher to say “yes” to missions in Timor

Ever since she was little, Kezia Soh had been exposed to missions through her parents. Her father would bring her and her brothers individually on mission trips, and they had previously explored...

Movies & TV

Jesus Revolution: In every age, we’re looking for the same things

There’s a new Christian film that’s been making waves of late โ€“ Jesus Revolution โ€“ and I got to watch it this week. Directed by Jon Erwin and Brent McCorkle, Jesus Revolution (like...


Pastor Jeff Chong: What does it take to win the youth?

Senior Pastor Jeff Chong (HOPE Singapore) began his message by sharing one question he often receives: How do we reach the young people in Singapore? He also shared something striking that a fellow...


Antioch 21: Never been to a missions event before, here’s what I learnt

Quick facts first: Antioch 21 was the brainchild of the late Pastor Rick Seaward, who first launched Antioch 21 in 2003 as an initiative to push Singapore towards its calling as Antioch of Asia...


I’m a Malaysian and I was the sound guy at Asbury University’s chapel service

I’ve been asked to talk about what’s going on right now in my university, Asbury, to hopefully shed light on the revival that’s broken out here. If you don’t know me, then my...


My hero of the faith, Billy Graham

Today (Feb 21) marks the fifth anniversary of Billy Grahamโ€™s passing. To the random person, this might seem like a weird date to take special note of. For me, however, it is a very noteworthy day...

How-tos & Handles

Lohei in 7 steps (with gospel flavour!)

If you think about it, the lohei really boils down to a desire for blessing. So, who better to ask a blessing from than the LORD Himself?ย  Never thought you could toss a salad and glorify God?...

Church Life

Make us one: Will you join the cry of the next generation?

This is the story of how a time of spontaneous worship turned into the cry of a rising generation. Music was always a passion of mine and I found myself leading worship in many of the circles that I...


Sharing the gospel through 4 years of rejection, my friend finally encountered Jesus

Back in 2019, I was in Secondary 1 and faced verbally bullying behind my back. As such, I wanted to transfer out to another school โ€” and there were actually vacancies when my mum checked for me....