

Is God still in control in tragedy?

Last month, Stephen Paddock, a former auditor and real estate businessman, opened fire on a crowd of concert goers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival, leaving 58 people dead and hundreds more...


The rest of delight, wonder and presence

Are you tired, and looking for rest? I’d wager a good number of us look for the latter in more sleep, or another K-drama binge. In reality our leisurely pursuits often end up leaving us feeling...

How-tos & Handles

Discouragement: The devil’s most effective weapon

I once heard a story of an old devil who was planning to retire. He put up for auction all the weapons which he had accumulated over the years. They ranged from envy to laziness to gossip. One of...


40 and forgotten: When will I be married?

I am a single in my 40s who is still hoping to get married. So whenever I read a piece on singlehood by someone under 30, my heart’s always tempted to say, “WaitĀ till you hear my...


When wisdom hurts: Making painful decisions

ā€œYouā€™re actually in a life-threatening situation right now.ā€ That was what my dentistĀ told me inĀ all seriousness. 7 months ago during a regular check-up, my dentist suspected that my lower...


The sad death of Annie Ee: A call for true justice

UPDATE ON DECEMBER 1, 2017: The couple whose acts of causing grievous hurt with household weapons to intellectually disabled friend Annie Ee, 26, have been sentenced in the High Court. Tan Hui Zhen,...


White shoes dirty souls

My brand-new white shoes got dirtied within the span of just a few days. But of course, right? IĀ know it sounds trivial ā€“ and I should have seen this coming when I bought them ā€“ but I was still...


Hope for the suffering Christian

Recently, I learnt from a cell group member that someone in our young adults ministry requires a serious operationĀ due to the presence of a benign tumour. She’d sent a message to several chat...


The Modern Sabbath: Separating fact from fiction

One of today’s marks of a good Christian is one’sĀ attendance of Church on Sunday morning. Stay with me on that one. Why is attendance on Sunday even a benchmark of faith? Well, because...