
Finding Purpose

Do open doors always reflect God’s will for us?

When I was 21, God called me into full-time ministry. I obeyed, turning down a scholarship to study accountancy in the UK, and took on the job of a youth pastor and chaplain. I enjoyed my job very...


Resurrection Sunday: Brokenness is not the end of the story

Joy does not come with the morning, I thought to myself on one of the many mornings my body had failed to stay asleep. Sleep would suddenly leave me in the early hours of the day, when it was still...


If Good Friday was a movie, then Jesus Christ would be its protagonist

Having seen dozens of reruns, almost everyone would know the hero’s story by now. The Son of God came to a fallen world in the form of a man. Born of virgin birth, He ministered and then died...


No, repentance is not just being sorry

Nobody likes the feeling of knowing you’re in the wrong. It first hits you with a gnawing feeling inside your heart, and before you know it, it’s the works: Shame, humiliation, regret and...


Passion Week: Is Good Friday really that good?

I love Good Friday. It’s a public holiday and that means I don’t have to go to school. It’s also the only holiday that is sure to fall on a Friday. I can make plans to go shopping,...


5 amazing Bible stories where less is more

All through the Bible, we see God working with the smallest and/or unlikeliest of people, resources, and situations to do amazing things โ€” even in Christโ€™s finished work at the cross. And because...


So I finally heard John Mayer sing live

Confession: I was one of those 10,000 people who bought tickets to see the legendary musician perform here last week. It was close to 3 hours of pure guitar magic, as he switched back and forth...


God hears your every word

Last night, I was praying before bed when I ended with an “Amen”. Amen. That word immediately triggered the question of why we end prayers with it. Why do we say: “In Jesus’...


3 signs your emotions are ruling your life

It took everything in me not to text back. I turned my phone off in vehement protest. I would not let my emotions get the best of me. I would not be that person who was reckless with their words. I...