Francis Chan, renowned American author and pastor, kicked off this year’s Impossible Conference (Dec 9–11) with an unexpected message for youths. The first session last night saw around 450...
“Prove it or lose it.” This was a phrase that I coined myself at the age of 15, and I had it written on the very last page of my diary. In those ultra-edgy teenage years, I held on to this...
When I saw the news that the PSLE results would be released today (November 24), I could almost feel the shivers that thousands of 12-year-olds would have felt. It’s been seven years, but the...
This International Men’s Day (Nov 19), hear from Awaken Generation‘s co-founder and head of mentoring Calvin Hong who imparts his wisdom on how masculinity doesn’t mean a lack of...
One thing many people don’t know about me is my dream job to be a pilot. Although the bubble was burst after I failed the Air Force medical test, my current role as a pastor puts me in contact with...
How have you been doing emotionally? The COVID-19 Stabilisation Phase has gone on for longer than expected, with restrictions extending to late November. With cases still on the rise, it also seems...
With church life disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic in a profound way, some of us miss going to church. We miss the pews, the ambience and the acoustics of a church sanctuary. While churches have...
These are tough times, and many of us are suffering in one way or another. Many of us have felt some measure of loss. We’ve lost jobs, opportunities to travel or even a loved one to COVID-19...
Teach them how much they value first. I graduated from my PSLE year exactly two decades ago in 2001. Although it wasn’t on the scale of any pandemic, I had gone through an upheaval of my own kind,...