Church Life


Experiencing church in a new city

Last August, I moved to Vancouver, Canada and began the process of finding a new church home here. I was from a Charismatic church in Singapore, which meant that speaking in tongues was commonplace...


Does my denomination matter to God?

“What? You’re attending a Bible study in a Methodist church?” My husband expressed his surprise when I first told him that I was joining this particular Bible study. It was 10...


Serving in 6 ministries simultaneously, I was the “celebrity leader” in church

My life has revolved around church ever since I was born. I grew up in Sunday School rooms in the basement, made many little friends (and enemies!) and annoyed all my teachers with my mischievous...


What does it mean to be a mentor?

Many of us have the privilege of being both mentors and mentees. Being in a mentoring relationship is important because we are living out the call of Hebrews 10:24–25 to persevere in faith: “And...

Church Life

How do I get past my disappointments and hurts from church?

My friend came to our breakfast meeting downcast. “I’m having a hard time,” she said. “How long does it take you to forgive someone?” I stirred my tea and thought about it: “It might...

Church Life

Why I gave church another chance

At the start of this year, I left my previous church of six years. It was a heart-wrenching experience, but I had been wondering for months about the purpose of the church and why we even need...

Church Life

The Church is not perfect, but it is beautiful

Growing up in a small church, I served in almost every ministry available and I loved it. I savoured every moment of service and fellowship … until I began to ask more questions, frustrated...

Mental Health

A cell leader’s first encounter with the blues

“I have clinical depression as well as a history of self-harm. Are you sure the cell group will accept me?” I was momentarily speechless as I looked at Rachel, who was sitting across me at the...


What if each cell group was a house church?

I’ve been asking questions about the church model for awhile now. I’ve heard the Holy Spirit speak to me on this issue: ‘There are many Christians in this nation, but few disciples.”...