

In a world full of truths, can the truth be known? 

Truthfully, I am not a naturally deep thinker. Growing up in a relatively sheltered Christian household, I also never really questioned that there is objective truth about God. It wasn’t until I...


377A repeal: Let’s make our campuses a safe place to share our views, say students

The term “reverse discrimination” has been coming up in the news following the announcement that Section 377A would be repealed.  Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law, K...


Seek safeguards, learn to love: Lawyers’ thoughts in the wake of Section 377A repeal

Since the repeal of Section 377A was announced in Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s National Day Rally speech on Sunday (Aug 21), various ministers have given more details on the steps that will...

Real Life, Real People

Robbed and stranded overseas, the worst hours of my life led to a series of miracles

For most of my life, I wanted little to do with Christians, particularly because some were pushy and most I encountered couldn’t logically defend their faiths. I would have never thought I would...


12 things that make Christianity unique: Tim Keller

Have you ever stopped to consider what makes Christianity unique from other religions? How many points of difference did you think of? Theologian and author Pastor Timothy Keller got up to 12, in a...


Tim Keller: How to hold on to your faith even when you’re disappointed by church

Having seen friends fall out of the faith over the years, I’ve often wondered just why that happens. I was thus glad to read Pastor Tim Keller’s reflections — in response to the...

Movies & TV

The Matrix Resurrections: What happens when we reduce our choices in life into binaries?

Right/Wrong Life/Death Employed/Unemployed Male/Female Yin/Yang Heaven/Hell We live in a world of binaries.  Many of our choices in life can be reduced to binaries. To study, or not to study today....


The Multiverse: An in-depth look into pop culture’s latest fixation

Friendly neighbourhood warning: Minor spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home ahead! Once upon a time, finding out that your favourite movie superheroes existed in the same “universe” was...


Curious and confused, I challenged God repeatedly

Growing up, I was strongly averse to the Christian community.  I was happy being who I was and doing what I did since birth, worshipping whatever I worshipped. I just wanted to be me and to be left...