

Why can’t Christians date non-Christians?

It’s a question that is regularly asked, but not always accurately answered. It confuses, perplexes, and even angers both Christians and non-Christians alike. It sounds elitist,...

Finding Purpose

Why on Earth are you here? Why are you here on Earth?

The answer: Redemption. You, in spite of your imperfections and shortcomings, are God’s vessel to renew a broken world. The BibleĀ reveals original created nature to be ā€œvery goodā€ (Genesis...


Are we defending the faith, or defending ourselves?

February the 15th commemorates the anniversary of the Britishā€™s surrender to the Japanese in 1942. Total DefenceĀ represents Singaporeā€™s comprehensive defence strategy, relyingĀ not merely on...


Apologetics: More than the defence of your faith

RaiseĀ a voice. Fly a flag. Sign a petition. March.Ā Behold, the rise of the modern apologetics movement. These days it’s easy to learn to address issues on suffering, science, philosophy and...


If you can’t defend your faith, who will?

Why do you believe? Maybe itā€™s all you know. From a tender age you found yourself in an environment of Sunday school, action songs, and beautiful friendships. Somewhere along the way, you invited...


The most unequal yoke of all

ā€œDo not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?ā€ (2 Corinthians 6:14) A yoke is an contraption...


Teach me to love

What is love? Christians likeĀ to go Greek when trying to understand the things of God.Ā So here we go. The Greeks, in their sophistication, would be appalled at the crude generalisations of love in...


Living with the gravity of doubt

Brought up in a church culture where everyone is taught to ā€œjust believeā€, many Christians grow comfortable and complacent. Weā€™ve got our own dialect of Christianese, hip pastors, and church...