

What the Resurrection means to the 21st century believer

Life is fragile. Its flickering flame can be quenched by freak accident or slowly exhausted by the siege of terminal illness. But don’t be fooled: Youth, health, education, career are illusions....


Bloody Christ (and no, I’m not cursing)

Rated as one of the most violent scenes ever filmed, the crucifixion depicted in The Passion of the Christ was brutal, graphic and accurate. Even if you have never watched the movie, you can imagine...


What do bunnies and eggs have to do with the Resurrection again?

It’s that time of the year again, when bunnies come out of hiding and people start painting eggs. All in the name of fun, they say. It’s Easter after all, and what better way to celebrate the...


Is the Christian with complaints a man without faith?

Happy praise anthems dominate the repertoires of churches worldwide, usually the first song in a worship set. Take these lines written by acclaimed Christian singer-songwriter Chris Tomlin: Well I...


The paradox of Millennial “spirituality”

It’s said that we fear what we don’t understand. For Singaporean Millennials, it seems that fear has grown into avoidance, with more youths shunning religion of late. The reality is...


The most reasonable fool

It’s a common misconception that excessive creative imagination breeds insanity. We think of the insane as people whose rationality has deserted them. Pop culture celebrates the brilliance of...


Faith and feminism: A love-hate affair

There exists no universal moral law that upholds women’s rights – or anyone’s rights for that matter. The moral claim that we should uphold women’s rights stems from the...


Why can’t Christians date non-Christians?

It’s a question that is regularly asked, but not always accurately answered. It confuses, perplexes, and even angers both Christians and non-Christians alike. It sounds elitist,...

Finding Purpose

Why on Earth are you here? Why are you here on Earth?

The answer: Redemption. You, in spite of your imperfections and shortcomings, are God’s vessel to renew a broken world. The Bible reveals original created nature to be “very good” (Genesis...