Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.
What storms have you been in? What storm are you now in? An unwelcome circumstance that arises from the horizon. The sudden turbulence of unpleasant change. Your boat rocks. Gently at first, but...
Last Saturday, a lady from my church met with an accident. She took her last breath in her son’s arms, just as the paramedics arrived. Her family was devastated. Our church mourned with them....
“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14) A yoke is an contraption...
We know them all too well – the thoughts that run through our heads and never make it out of our mouths. She looks so attractive in that dress, I wish I looked like that. He doesn’t deserve...
The book of Job is a perplexing one to many Christians. Apparently older than Genesis, this book appears out of nowhere, and is more or less self-contained in its own independent context. The Bible...
“I love the bak chor mee here!” “I think I’m in love!” “God loves you!” Any of these phrases familiar to you? Thanks to pop culture, loose usage of the word “love” has cheapened...
What is love? Christians like to go Greek when trying to understand the things of God. So here we go. The Greeks, in their sophistication, would be appalled at the crude generalisations of love in...
“But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray” (Luke 5:16). Jesus did this often – even when “conventional” leadership wisdom would have held that He should keep going. He...
When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come When we ask, “How was the worship?”, we usually mean, “How was the music?” But worship isn’t just about the music. Music is just...