
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


Let it out before you burn out

Our yard flooded a few times during the recent rainy season. The water was inches from both our front and back doors.  So, I decided to get hold of a pump to get rid of the water, sending it through...


Like glittering blue waves in the night sea, how can we glow in the dark?

A few days ago, sightings of a rare phenomenon in Singapore known as bioluminescence sent people (myself included) flocking to the beaches in hopes of catching a glimpse of the blue waves. I’ve...


What does it mean to be fishers of men?

I recently read an article about a pair of fishermen brothers who are among the last practitioners of the disappearing art of bubu fishing. Unlike commonly used fishing rods, these box-like bubu...


Bible reading plans for Lent? Look no further

Lent is a season of fasting and preparation for Easter (or Resurrection Sunday). This year, the 40 days of Lent begin on March 2 (Ash Wednesday) and end on April 16 (Holy Saturday).  I’ve been...


5 people in the Bible who inspire us to be brave

It’s the Year of the Tiger this Chinese New Year. Did you know the tiger represents bravery in Chinese culture? While we don’t believe in superstitions, it’s a good reminder to have...


5 “insignificant” Bible characters who taught us invaluable lessons

“What have I accomplished this year?”  This is a question many of us would have asked ourselves before. For some years, we had a full list of answers, but for others, we had no answer at all. ...


Have you ever felt that you aren’t beautiful? 

It hit me in January 2019. Clumps of hair fell out whenever my fingers gently ran through my long black hair. Even when I didn’t touch my hair, strands fell off easily onto my clothes, my food, and...


Am I feminine enough?

Growing up, I often wondered: “What does it mean to be feminine? Am I feminine enough?” The Cambridge Dictionary defines femininity as “the fact or quality of having characteristics that are...


Facing tough times ahead? Pray like Jesus on his way to the cross

These are tough times, and many of us are suffering in one way or another. Many of us have felt some measure of loss. We’ve lost jobs, opportunities to travel or even a loved one to COVID-19...