

What is a worldview?

Our Singapore story is founded on pragmatism and meritocracy. We went from a poor fishing port struggling for independence, to a bustling metropolitan city. Rags to riches. As Singaporeans, we work...


The Church needs to pay attention to these 7 global shifts

In the midst of all the chaos that was the past two years, it’s easy to miss the forest for the trees. Dare we ask: what’s the bigger picture, the grander narrative, God’s Kingdom plan in light...


3 things that make up culture (and 4 ways to transform it!)

Culture. It shapes the way society views the world, how people interact with each other and the values of a nation.  And yet despite culture’s importance, many Christians don’t have a good...

Surveys & Reports

Where do you find meaning in life?

American think tank Pew Research Center released some fascinating findings last week (November 18) that looked at where people around the world find meaning in life. Having surveyed nearly 19,000...


Social justice: Why critical theory clashes with the Christian worldview

Justice. The driving force of various historical movements seeking change. A topic discussed by philosophers past and present. An idea that has taken on many different forms, the latest of which is...


Social justice and being woke: Making sense of modern movements

Woke: adjective, informal Definition: alert to injustice in society, especially racism. Example: “We need to stay angry, and stay woke.” Depending on the social context, you can either be...


The road ahead: What are your hopes for Singapore?

As young people living in Singapore today, the challenges we face are many. From an uncertain future posed by the pandemic, to broken relationships and a culture that often runs contrary to the one...

Mental Health

Before you start taking potshots, do you know what people might be going through?

You’re walking down a street, and a guy TOTALLY bumps into you as if he didn’t even see you there. As you pick yourself up off the floor, all manner of invective comes out of your mouth,...


Call-out culture: Can we stand up for the voiceless without silencing the voices of others?

The internet is a harsh place to live in these days. This year, we saw a university student flamed for voicing out against the woke movement, the anger against the People’s Association’s...