

Justin Bieber’s GQ Interview: 10 things that blew me away

What if you woke up one day to the realisation that you’ve turned into a person you don’t want to be? Many of us know the story of how Justin Bieber rose to fame as a teenager. First scouted in...


8 lessons from the Ravi Zacharias scandal

In the history of Christendom, it is not uncommon to read about prominent ministers who fall from grace. Every time it happens, it is a blow to evangelical believers in many ways. It stumbles the...

How-tos & Handles

When your hero of faith lets you down

Bill Hybels. Carl Lentz. Jerry Falwell Jr. Now, sadly, we add the late Ravi Zacharias to the list of global Christian leaders whose sexual indiscretions have left their reputations in tatters....


“God, have mercy on us all”: Lessons from Ravi Zacharias’ fall

I was never a big Ravi Zacharias fan, not because I didn’t like the guy, but simply because I never really got to know his work. I just understood him as the brilliant Indian apologist on YouTube...


Once broken, Felicia Chin shares about the hope that heals

Growing up, I was a little fearful of my mum. I knew that my mum was there for us and she cared, but a lot of the words that were exchanged and situations that happened really made me feel hurt and...


Renowned marathoner Mok Ying Ren on the greatest race of his life

I was a very athletic kid. In primary school, I was the fastest kid for 1.6km and I got the best results for fitness tests. Subsequently, I did cross country, triathlons and marathons. In university,...

Movies & TV

Director Jack Neo releases first Christian short film, The Promise

What do Liang Po Po, I Not Stupid and Ah Boys To Men have in common? Answer: Jack Neo. Most known for his heartwarming hyperlocal film productions, homegrown director Jack Neo has a knack for telling...


Singer-songwriter Sarah X. Miracle on self-worth, identity and learning to say ‘no’

After overcoming a teenage pregnancy, surviving a fatal car accident and pulling through a pregnancy loss, Sarah X. Miracle, previously known as Sarah Cheng-De Winne, desires to use her musical...


Kanye West’s breakdown reminded me of my own struggles with mental health

Reading the news on how Kanye West was acting bizarrely and making references to the faith during a presidential campaign rally made me reflect on my own mental health journey and how people around...