
Is your soul prospering?

The soul has often been a subject of mystery. There are a variety of definitions of what the soul is. To simplify it, I define the soul as “all that is within” – your internal world. In...


The generous will prosper

If only I had more money, I’d be more willing to bless others. If only I were rich, I’d be more generous. That was what I used to think. But here’s a sobering realisation from the Bible: It...


REVIVE: Nearly 40 years after the Clocktower Revival, a new generation arises

I studied in ACS (Barker Road). Unlike most people, I didn’t find God through Church. Instead, it was purely my time in Anglo Chinese School (ACS), through daily devotions and weekly chapels,...


My stay in the worst room in the world

I recently read that someone chose to stay at the worst room in Singapore. Only to moan about it and press the eject button before the night was over. Some news commentators wonder if it was a fair...


A lifetime of wonder

I first knew of Aarksara when she was a guest worship leader in my home church a few years back. Her energy was not only infectious, you could feel a deep sense of joy and triumph as she sang unto...


Does my dad deserve a Father’s Day?

When I was growing up, Father’s Day wasn’t even invented yet – not to me anyway. And I probably would have resisted the idea of it had I known about it then. Not much to celebrate, I...


My dad loved me in his own language, even when I couldn’t understand it

On my study table is an old postcard that was sent from Holland. It was addressed to me 25 years ago, when I had barely learned to talk and was left in the care of some relatives. My mum and dad were...


Full-time under 30: From academia to the heart of Africa

Before I was called into missions in my early twenties, I remember chatting with a close friend who was feeling the nudge towards full-time ministry. She asked me what I thought, and with gutsy...


I lost my virginity but not my faith

I was an early bloomer in terms of romantic relationships, and started having serious relationships since the age of 15. My first relationship was with a Christian. Both of us believed in God, but...