I first knew of Aarksara when she was a guest worship leader in my home church a few years back. Her energy was not only infectious, you could feel a deep sense of joy and triumph as she sang unto...
When I was growing up, Father’s Day wasn’t even invented yet – not to me anyway. And I probably would have resisted the idea of it had I known about it then. Not much to celebrate, I...
On my study table is an old postcard that was sent from Holland. It was addressed to me 25 years ago, when I had barely learned to talk and was left in the care of some relatives. My mum and dad were...
Before I was called into missions in my early twenties, I remember chatting with a close friend who was feeling the nudge towards full-time ministry. She asked me what I thought, and with gutsy...
I was an early bloomer in terms of romantic relationships, and started having serious relationships since the age of 15. My first relationship was with a Christian. Both of us believed in God, but...
We Singaporeans love to complain. The weather, work, transportation … We complain about everything. And I’m no exception. Recently, I’ve been weighed down by many issues in my life. I find...
I first met Ben KC Lee at a conference where he was speaking as the head of Sexual Wholeness with Focus on the Family Singapore. Ben’s openness in sharing his struggles with sexuality was striking...
“What is the one yardstick we can use to gauge if a mission trip is successful?” This question was posed to us by the pastor who led a recent mission trip I was on. We offered various answers...
I’ll be the first to admit that my schedule is often a wreck. With a calendar stacked with appointment after appointment, I’m constantly out of time and in a rush. And in an average...