I have a love-hate relationship with art. You see, I flunked art almost every semester in primary and secondary school, and yet I became a film major in my polytechnic days. In essence, I spent three...
“Time for some real talk… I’m genuinely losing my faith,” Marty Sampson wrote on his Instagram account yesterday, August 12, 2019. “And it doesn’t bother...
National Day is a good time to remember God’s goodness, whose hand has enabled Singapore to prosper. We’re the envy of many cities and nations. This time of reflection is especially...
What do SGAG, Our Grandfather Story (OGS) and ieatishootipost have in common? They champion narratives that are uniquely Singaporean! From local humour to local stories and even local food, they are...
I recently discovered that I am a product of the Merdeka Generation. When Singapore separated from Malaysia in 1965 and gained full independence as a nation – what they called merdeka, or freedom...
This question came to mind one ordinary morning: If Jesus was birthed into the world He saved, why do we always hope to be supernaturally parachuted into our mission? I had been feeling dissatisfied...
I wanted the ground to open up right there and then and swallow me forever. We were in the house of a Chinese member of our church who had just been diagnosed with a serious form of cancer. We came...
This was written in response to NETS’ controversial E-Pay ad and the subsequent video response by local influencer, Preeti Nair (better known as Preetipls), who is also under investigation...
Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus hung around to answer our questions? What is God up to? What is the point of this planet and where is it headed? These questions were explored during a talk by...