
Ravi Zacharias called home to the Lord at 74

Renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias passed away on May 19, 2020, aged 74. In March, the founder of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) shared that he had been diagnosed with...


Dear Ravi, I met you when I was on the verge of leaving the faith

Dear Ravi, Like many others around the world, my heart has been heavy all weekend as I’ve taken in the latest update from your daughter about you. After just two short months since being diagnosed...


Have we become circuit fakers?

I’ve been scrolling through Instagram a lot more lately. In the thick of the circuit breaker, it’s almost become a reflex to check what others have been up to. I’m clocking a...

How-tos & Handles

Quitting porn: A few things that have actually worked

With a huge jump in pornography consumption since coronavirus lockdowns first began across the world, statistics tell us that we’ve never been more vulnerable to temptation. Cooped up in the...


The value of paying attention

Recently, a lot of people have been feeling overwhelmed by the coronavirus-dominated news. My personal news intake has jumped from almost nothing to reading at least 30 minutes of news a day! Not...

Real Life, Real People

I wouldn’t be here today if my mum wasn’t saved from an abortion

With Mother’s Day coming round the corner, I decided that I would spend some intentional time with my mum. So we had a heart-to-heart talk, and my mum began to share with me more about her...


Dear Songwriter, it’s time to release your #songsofhope into a world desperately in need of hope

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a...

How-tos & Handles

How to filter digital Christian content

The COVID-19 circuit breaker has led many Singapore churches and ministries into the digital space. The online selection of Christian digital content has never been so densely resourced! And the good...

Do Good

A dormitory operator shares what loving migrant workers looks like in the time of COVID-19

We’ve all heard about the growing cases in foreign worker dormitories since the first cluster was announced. Their suffering in this period has made me realised that I’ve long been...