Articles by

Wong Siqi


Dating apps: To use or not to use?

“Can a Christian use dating apps?” “Would you consider using one?” Though dating apps have been around for years, I didn’t think about using them. That is, until friends started asking me...


Will you be my #BFF?

I was scrolling through Instagram when pictures of best friends began to flood my feed. You’ve seen those pictures. They’re mostly fun snapshots of girls laughing and having fun,...


How I came to see His mercy

I like taking bus rides alone. I usually have my headphones on, playing my favourite worship songs. Five years ago, on my way home, I found myself awestruck in the bus. I closed my eyes on the bus...

Finding Purpose

Can we go back to the start?

We’ve all wanted to hit the restart button before. We want a reset when life’s all topsy-turvy – when everything’s turned upside down. We want another shot when it seems nothing can...

Movies & TV

The Game of Thrones of the heart

Based on the best-selling series of books, Game of Thrones (GoT) has returned with its 7th season and is taking the world by storm. For those who’ve managed to escape its reach on social...


A letter to my (still) single self

Dear Me, So you are 22 this year, and you’re still single. Yes, it probably does not bother you much on the inside anymore, but there have still been times: moments when your eyes were locked...

Church Life

Are you serving on empty?

“There are so many things to do,” Martha remarks. Guest is here, but our home’s messy. Guest is here, but table’s empty. Guest is here, but Mary’s lazing. She’s...


Lessons on forgiveness – learnt at the dog run

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) While heading to a funeral wake, a friend shared about how she believed the...


Do worldly successes define you?

How would you feel if you were one — or all — of the following: A medical student, Employee of the Year, and/or a millionaire? Would being any of these things change the way you feel about...